【問題】Sustainable salmon farming ?推薦回答

關於「Sustainable salmon farming」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

Global Salmon Initiative。

The Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) is a leadership initiative focused on ... more sustainable way through advancements in responsible salmon farming.: 。

Offshore aquaculture: Setting out to feed the world - DNV。

2021年1月18日 · While salmon and other farmed fish can be a sustainable source of ... DNV GL, explains that the generic definition “offshore fish farm” has ...。

OCEAN FARM 1 receives first ever offshore fish farming class ... - DNV。

2020年1月23日 · Developing and expanding sustainable aquaculture will be essential as ... of Ocean Farm 1 to a new DNV GL standard for offshore fish farming ...: tw | tw。

Can Salmon Farming Be Sustainable? Maybe, If You Head Inland。

2013年5月2日 · For years, salmon farming has gotten a bad rap from marine biologists, who say the fish grown in open-ocean net pens generate pollution, ...: 。

Risk assessment of the environmental impact of Norwegian Atlantic ...。

Disease in fish farming will not have a regulating effect on stocks of wild fish, and as many farmed fish as possible will grow to slaughter age with minimal ...。

DNV GL awards first ever offshore fish farming class certificate。

2020年1月23日 · Sustainable aquaculture will be essential as the demand for fish grows around the world. The certification of Ocean Farm 1 to a new DNV GL ...: tw | tw。

Comparative economic performance and carbon footprint of two ...。

Return on investment for traditional open net pen salmon farming at this scale is ... especially towards wild Atlantic salmon and Sea Trout (Salmo Trutta) ...: tw | tw。

Farmed Seafood | Industries | WWF - World Wildlife Fund。

And seafood farming—also known as aquaculture—is the fastest growing food ... We know that when done responsibly, aquaculture's impact on wild fish ...: 。


Want Cleaner, Healthier Salmon? Raise Them on Land - Bloomberg。

2021年6月17日 · Sustainable fish farmers say rearing salmon far away from their wild cousins solves the problems of waste, parasites, and disease.:

常見Sustainable salmon farming問答
